


1 米国政府関係者との会談








2 連邦議会議員との会談

 5月10日午前、中谷総理大臣補佐官は、マルコ・ルビオ上院議員と会談しました。 中谷総理大臣補佐官からルビオ上院議員に対し、人権分野における日本国内の関心や、日本政府の取組について説明しました。  両者は、国際人権分野における日米協力について意見交換を行いました。

3 シンクタンク・NGO関係者との意見交換等

 5月11日、中谷総理大臣補佐官は、ジョン・ハムレ戦略国際問題研究所(CSIS)所長他やサラ・ホールウィンスキー・ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(Human Rights Watch)ワシントンディレクター他とそれぞれ面会し、ウクライナ情勢を含む国際人権問題や人権分野に関する日米協力のあり方等について意見交換を行いました。

Visit to Washington, D.C., U.S.A. by Mr. NAKATANI Gen, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister

May 2022

 Mr. NAKATANI Gen, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, visited the United States (Washington, DC) from May 9 to May 12.

1 Meetings with U.S. Government Officials

National Security Council

(1) On the morning of May 10, Mr. Nakatani, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, met with Dr. Kurt M. Campbell, Coordinator for Indo-Pacific Affairs, NSC.
Mr. Nakatani explained that the Kishida administration has been advocating “realism diplomacy for a new era”, emphasizing universal values such as human rights, and making various efforts to address the situation in Ukraine, etc. Dr. Campbell expressed his respect for PM Kishida's leadership.
They exchanged views on the situation in Ukraine and the future of cooperation between the U.S. and Japan in the field of human rights in the Indo-Pacific region.

(2) On the morning of May 11, Mr. Nakatani, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, met with Mr. Robert G. Berschinski, NSC Senior Director for Democracy and Human Rights.
They exchanged views on US-Japan cooperation in the field of international human rights, including the situation in Ukraine, human rights issues in the Indo-Pacific, and cooperation in the "Summit for Democracy," and shared the view to continue strengthening the cooperative relationship between the two countries.

Department of State

(3) On the afternoon of May 10, Mr. Nakatani, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, met with Ms. Uzra Zeya, Undersecretary of State for Civil Defense, Democracy, and Human Rights.
They exchanged views on Japan-U.S. cooperation in the field of international human rights, including the situation in Ukraine, human rights issues in the Indo-Pacific, and cooperation in the "Summit for Democracy," and shared the view to continue strengthening cooperation between the two countries.


(4) On the afternoon of May 11, Mr. Nakatani, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister met with Ms. Paloma Adams-Allen, Deputy Administrator of USAID.
They exchanged views on US-Japan cooperation in the field of international human rights, including the situation in Ukraine, human rights issues in the Indo-Pacific, and cooperation in the "Summit for Democracy. They also exchanged views on efforts to respect human rights in the supply chain.
They shared the view to continue to strengthen cooperation between the U.S. and Japan in the field of international human rights.

2 Meeting with Congressional Members

On the morning of May 10, Mr. Nakatani, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, met with U.S. Senator Mr. Marco A. Rubio.
Mr. Nakatani briefed Senator Rubio on Japan's domestic interest in human rights and the Japanese government's efforts in this area.
They exchanged views on Japan-U.S. cooperation in the field of international human rights.

3 Exchanges of Views with Think Tanks, etc.

On May 11, Mr. Nakatani, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, met with Dr. John J. Hamre, President of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and Sarah Holewinski, Director of Human Rights Watch in Washington, D.C., to exchange views on international human rights issues, including the situation in Ukraine, and Japan-U.S. cooperation in the field of human rights.


Exchange of views with Dr. Kurt M. Campbell, Coordinator for Indo-Pacific Affairs, NSC

Exchange of views with Mr. Robert G. Berschinski, Senior Director for Democracy and Human Rights, NSC

Exchange of views with Ms. Uzra Zeya, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights

Exchange of views with Ms. Paloma Adams-Allen, Deputy Administrator of USAID

Exchange of views with Mr. Marco Antonio Rubio, U.S. Senator

Exchange of views with Dr. John J. Hamre, President of CSIS