Introduction of Nursing care in Japan

The Japanese government is implementing two initiatives named “Asia Health and Wellbeing Initiative (AHWIN)” and “Africa Health and Wellbeing Initiative (AfHWIN),” with a goal of realizing healthy longevity societies in these regions.
Japan has coped with the aging of its population and would like to share its experiences to other regions facing rapid aging in the near future. Office of Healthcare Policy Cabinet Secretariat Government of Japan complied a booklet titled “Nursing care in Japan” to help people understand "Japanese-style nursing care".
"Japanese-style nursing care“ is based on the concepts of “Preservation of dignity” and “Support for self-dependence”. The booklet lists cases of examples and describes how we support people who need care in the “Community-based Integrated Care System”.
The opening introduction of the booklet is as follows.

Here is the order of the contents.
  •  1.Introduction:Nursing care in Japan
     ・Concepts for nursing care
     ・Structure of nursing care services
     ・People supporting nursing care users
     ・Community-bacsed integrated care systems
     ・Five elements of nursing care contributing to"support for self-dependence"
     ・Major types and overview of nursing care
     ・People supporting nursing care users (outlines of work by occupation)

  •  2.Introduction of individual faclities and care example of measures (document 2)

  •  3.Glossaly of technical terms

You can download the full material from the following URL.
Japan will continue to promote interactions with the government, medical institutions and healthcare industries of each country. Japan would like to contribute solving challenges for aging society especially around Asia through the joint efforts of public and private sectors.

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